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Rules and Regulations
- Students are not permitted to communicate directly with any organization, government or private agency in Nigeria or abroad. Such communication should be passed through the principal. Unauthorized communication attracts suspension from the boarding house and the school.
- Abusive language to fellow students is an offence and may attract detention lasting about 30 minutes to be given by a teacher or prefect. Using language not understood by fellow students in a derogatory manner falls within this category, and attracts the same penalty.
- Boys must be clean-shaven while the girls must have their hair well-kept or plaited. Girls are forbidden to wear their hair permed, straightened or curl. Such girls will be suspended until they cut the hair. The same goes for the boys who wear bushy hair or grow beards or whiskers.
- Cheating of any type in any examination test will attract a score of zero plus labour and detention ranging from one to three weeks or repeat of the same class as the case may be.
- Any form of pilfering or stealing in the school or dormitory is a very serious offence which may merit suspension or dismissal from the boarding house or school or both.
- Fighting or beating up other students is forbidden. This offence attracts expulsion from the school.
- All forms of unofficial celebration are forbidden and students should inform their parents of such. Students are however allowed to receive birthday cards, biscuit, nuts and drinks in reasonable small quantity on their birthdays. The penalty for any offence against this rule is indefinite suspension from the boarding house.
- No new society/club should take off in the School without the principal’s permission. The principal may also dissolve/suspend, the activities of any club/society which in his opinion, has ceased to serve the purpose for which it was set up. All students connected with illegal clubs/societies may be summarily dismissed.
- Every student will belong to at least one activity group, e.g. club or society in the school and maximum of three.
- No money collection of any form may be undertaken in the school for the benefit of any fund-raising or charity without the permission of the Principal. Offenders will be suspended from the boarding house or later from the school if repeated.
- Games are compulsory and the only students exempted are those who have doctor’s permission. Absentees will earn detention and double detention in case of persistence.
- Older students are expected to guide and protect the younger ones and not take advantage of their tender age by bullying or exploiting them. A student may be expelled from the school if he persists in bullying, fagging and maltreating other students.
- Attendance at the dinning hall for all meals is compulsory. Absence will lead to forfeiture of meal and if found to be deliberate action may lead to detention.
- Food must not be taken into the dormitory even for the sick students. All sick students who cannot be at the dinning hall should be in the sickbay where the clinic staff will organize for such meals.
- Students are not allowed in the hostel or the hostel area during school hours and games period.
- Leaving the school premises without permission is a serious offence and attracts suspension from the school.
- No visitors are allowed in the hostel.
- After school hours, students are to appear in their house/sports outfit as appropriate to the time, occasion and activity in which they are engaged.
- All cases of illness during classes or in the hostel should be reported to the duty-nurse.
- No student is allowed to be absent from school without permission from the Principal or any one acting on his/her behalf.
- Students must follow the official college time-table and curriculum strictly.
- The school daily routine must be observed punctually. Lateness to any of the school’s functions attracts penalties.